Acupuncture Treatments that leads to Healing

Over the years, acupuncture has been proven to be one of the best and safest alternatives to surgery, used to adjust the flow and balance of energy throughout the body. The unique healing process of acupuncture originated in China and involves precisely placed sterilized needles inserted and pierced on specific points on the body to treat and manage stress, weight loss, arthritis, migraines, and chronic pain, to name a few.

Benefits of Acupuncture Treatments

Reduce Stress

Improved Immune System

Allergy Relief

Headache Relief

Energy Boost

Pain Relief

Pain Management

Enhances Mental Health

Acupuncture Treatments at Winiger Chiropractic

Winiger Chiropractic offers acupuncture treatments that have been strategically designed to heal various forms of ailments and existing illnesses. Our acupuncture treatments have helped to increase our patient's wellbeing and re-establish their body's healthy equilibrium. Here at Winiger Chiropractic, our treatment sessions typically last between 20-30 minutes. We will have you lie on a comfortable table in a dimly lit relaxing room, with quiet and calming music to help you decompress. The acupuncturist will then begin to gently place the needles into the appropriate areas to help regulate your body. Our treatments start at $30. For more information or if you need to set up an appointment, call our office today!

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